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8220;Let the public service be a proud and lively career.8221;This book is a powerful historical must read for all African American postal workers. I highly recommend it for all postal leaders bargaining, and nonbargaining. Keep this reference in your professional development library The author does a superb job presenting an important history lesson for all of us. Find out about the 9 postal unions; NALC, UFPC, NPMHU, NAPOGSME, NFPOMVED, NASDM, NPU, NA, NRLCA. You8217;ll have to dive into this book to get the real lowdown.Learn about the first known black female postal worker, first black female postmaster, auxiliaries and their role in the struggle and postal workers that are celebrities today.This is where you can read and learn about Jim Crowism, McCarthyism 19501954, and segregation through unions, and separate water fountains in the swing rooms.You won8217;t believe that way back in the day speeches sympathetic to postal workers were made on the senate floor using vivid language to highlight the post office8217;s 8220;Oppressive and outdated management style. Wow The more things change the more they remain the same in the 21st century.You8217;ll find an excellent collection of black and white photosRecall the 1970 strike with the euphemism for the strike weapon being 8220;imposition of economic sanctions. Learn about the wildcat powder keg, collective begging, and review the contributions of Moe Biller and stillonboard APWU Bill Burrus.Unionism with congressional lobbying will always maintain the pressure on the issues that affect us. For all of us in unions we can8217;t become complacent in defending all the struggles and negotiations that unions at the post office have won for all of us. The bottom line is if we don8217;t fight for change it won8217;t happen.Thank you Mr. Rubio for your many years of postal service and this manuscript contribution. I would have loved to read about your experiences on the workroom floor from 19802000.The struggle for jobs, justice and equality continues.Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you  Â